What do you mean, 'wassup'? Am okey, Boss.
No, no. You seem to be in the seventh heaven, Zack.
You mean like you when you pick up your copy of MUSCAT DAILY every morning at some petrol pump or other.
Stop. Don't be sarcy.
Why are you getting irritated, Boss? Am I saying something short on truth?
Ok, ok. Tell me, why are you so happy, Zack?
Come on. What's wrong with you? Why can't I be happy once in a while, for Godssake.
Enough of this non-sense, Zack. Tell me, na...
Okey. Since you're a curious cat ... hope you don't throw a fit for me calling you a cat..
Stop this drama and spill the beans.
Boss, you're a serious nut, with apologies.
Why do you say that Zack?
Enough of this high-strong words: GDP, fiscal deficit, oil dependency, exchange rate fluctations. Cat crap.
Wat's wrong, Zack?
Will you permit me to continue?
Yes. Go ahead.
Why don't you look beyond serious stuff in newspapers? Say like crossword puzzles, cartoon sketches, cookeries, filmi stuff etc.
Come to the point. Why this long sermon? Explain the rationale behind your happiness.
Boss, did you notice that there are three cartoon strips in today's dailies that carries some my fraternity stuff?
You mean cartoons featuring dogs?
Mind your language.... Give respect and take respect, Boss.
What's so great about these doggy ... sorry .... strips?
Boss, did you see?
You better.
Some other time.
You better now.
Ok, ok.
Boss, which one you like the most?
Hmm.. this one.
You mean, Boss, the Muscat Daily one?
Yes. You're right.
I know even before you opened your oral trap.
Zack, you're insulting. Acting smart - like that Boss at ... Fuggedit. . He will be insulted if I utter his name.
Come on, come on, Boss.
Stop egging me, Zack. You know me. Why do you say my pick will definitely be Muscat Daily cartoon strip only?
Boss, because for you Muscat Daily is THE best daily in town.
Do you have reservations on that assessment, Zack?
Your friends are laughing at you... Know why?
Becoz, they say you're angling for a job in Muscat Daily and hence canvassing positively. Ha ha... Sorry, Boss.
Rubbish. I have a reason for picking that cartoon. Forget about others what they say. Is my choice - about the Muscat Daily cartoon strip featuring one of your cousins - acceptable to you or not?
Can I tell you something, Boss?
No preambles, Zack. Go ahead.
For once, we are in sync. We share same ideas. You've matured a lot of late - particularly after getting roadrailed by that gang at ...
Stop, Zack.
Boss, I also like it for the simple reason the Muscat Daily strip shows us - I mean my tribe - as intelligent beings. We can read between the lines like you, homo sapiens.
Good. I felt the same, Zack.
The other two - in Times of Oman and Oman Tribune - make me sympathise with my folk. Shows us in poor light. Boss, understand. We also have - what you call 'ego'.
Understandable, Zack.
Thanks, Boss.
Don't mention.
Good to hear proper English after a long time.
Usually you used to respond with 'No mention'. Now, you said 'Don't mention'. Right usage.
My foot! You teaching me English?
What's wrong? Learn from every quarter. Be open minded.
One small request, Boss.
Tomorrow onwards, I will not join your morning walk.
Why? You're hale and hearty.
I simply cannot stand you hopping from petrol pump to petrol pump at 4 in the morning looking for Muscat Daily. As if your survival for that particular day hinges upon you grabbing a copy of that new babe.
Zack, you'll never appreciate good things in life quickly. It takes time for such things to sink in.
You're getting emotional, Boss.
No, no, Zack. It's perfectly fine with me. I have been walking even before you came into my life. I will continue even after you refuse to escort me. ... No big deal.
Excuse me! I don't escort you. We walk together... In fact, I lead you, Boss!Follow me?
Get lost, Zack!